Before you Read

This blog is a very straight forward approach to dispelling myths regarding The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons). All comments are moderated, any comments of an intolerant or abusive nature will not be accepted.

Please do not take offense to the way things are presented here. I am a very blunt woman and I write these things not directed to any one person but in an effort to address my frustrations regarding the intolerance of my beliefs.

I am a History Major and my specialty includes the time period in which Christ lived and in which Christianity was formed. I have also spent my life studying other faiths and beliefs. Please know that after all of my studies and my continued studies, I am firm in my beliefs and I only wish to dispel myths. This is in no way an approach to forcing my beliefs on anyone; jut a way to open eyes and build bridges. The misunderstandings are great, but so is the close-minded views of the world. Please read this blog with a desire to learn and to understand.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a new approach to the Blog

Hello, Starting this week I am going to be approaching this blog a little differently. I will still be talking straight about religion and being me however I am going to incorporate some weekly scriptures to guide our conversations. Please have your scriptures handy and please do not just take my word. Look the verse up and study it prayerfully for your self.

Romans 8:16-17 "16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of god: 17. And if children,, then heirs; heirs of god, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be glorified together" (KJV)

This verse is written by the Apostle Paul to the Romans. He is writing to the Romans to continue the teachings of the gospel that they may know all that Christ taught while on the earth.

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints we believe that we are literal Children of our Heavenly Father and that as such we have a divine gifts and talents. We believe that if we do all that we can in this life then we can return to the glory of God and to the presence of our Father. Many have criticized this believe and stated that we mean that we will be god's and that we will be equal to our Heavenly Father. They have also stated that it is an unfounded believe and that it is no where in the bible. Well I present the above verse. Paul as a chosen leader of the church after Christ died taught in the most simplistic terms that we are Children of Heavenly Father and that we are heirs to his kingdom. The teaching of Paul have many wonderful lessons from our Heavenly Father in regards to the gospel, our divine nature, and the laws and ordinance that we must follow to obtain our salvation.

I would ask you to study Romans with an open heart and an open mind. I would encourage you to read all that Paul has taught and to study it with a true desire to understand. Please cross reference, and look up meanings of words. Please take the time to really truly understand what is contained.