Before you Read

This blog is a very straight forward approach to dispelling myths regarding The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons). All comments are moderated, any comments of an intolerant or abusive nature will not be accepted.

Please do not take offense to the way things are presented here. I am a very blunt woman and I write these things not directed to any one person but in an effort to address my frustrations regarding the intolerance of my beliefs.

I am a History Major and my specialty includes the time period in which Christ lived and in which Christianity was formed. I have also spent my life studying other faiths and beliefs. Please know that after all of my studies and my continued studies, I am firm in my beliefs and I only wish to dispel myths. This is in no way an approach to forcing my beliefs on anyone; jut a way to open eyes and build bridges. The misunderstandings are great, but so is the close-minded views of the world. Please read this blog with a desire to learn and to understand.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some FAQ's on Baptism

the following FAQ's are borrowed from

I had a feeling that this needed to be posted....

What does Mormonism teach regarding baptism?

“We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel” (Articles of Faith 1:3). Baptism in water is an ordinance essential to our salvation. By being baptized, we show God that we are willing to be obedient to His commandments. Jesus set the example for us by being baptized, even though He was without sin (seeMatthew 3:13-17). When we are baptized, we enter into a covenant, a two-way promise, with God. We promise to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, to keep His commandments, and to serve Him to the end, and He covenants that we may always have His Spirit (Holy Ghost) to be with us (See Book of Mormon, Mosiah 18:8-10Doctrine and Covenants 20:37). The Savior revealed the proper method of baptism to the Prophet Joseph Smith, making clear that the ordinance must be performed by one having priesthood authority and that it be done by immersion (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:72-74).
Immersion is symbolic of the death of a person’s sinful life and the rebirth into a spiritual life, dedicated to the service of God and His children. It is also symbolic of death and resurrection. (See Romans 6:3-6) Little children are redeemed through the mercy of Jesus Christ. They are “alive in Christ” and cannot sin. They do not need baptism until they understand the difference between right and wrong. The Lord has revealed that children should be baptized at eight years of age. (See Book of Mormon, Moroni 8:8-24Doctrine and Covenants 29:46-47,68:27

Why do Mormons baptize their new members?

Jesus Christ taught that we must be baptized by immersion (Mark 16:163 Nephi 11:21-26). He set the example Himself by being baptized to “fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15).
We are baptized by someone who has God’s priesthood authority for the remission of sins. (Acts 2:38Acts 22:16). We are also baptized to become members of the Church of Jesus Christ, and to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).
Through the ordinance of baptism, we make a promise, called a covenant, with God. We promise to accept Christ, to become His followers, and to keep His commandments to the end of our lives. In return, our Heavenly Father promises to forgive our sins and let us return to live with Him, provided we keep our covenants.

Why do Mormons perform baptisms for the dead?

Jesus Himself, though without sin, was baptized to fulfill all righteousness and to show the way for all mankind (seeMatthew 3:13-172 Nephi 31:5-12). Thus, baptism is essential for salvation in the kingdom of God. We learn in the New Testament that baptisms for the dead were done during the Apostle Paul’s time (see 1 Corinthians 15:29). This practice has been restored with the establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Prophet Joseph Smith first taught about the ordinance of baptism for the dead during a funeral sermon in August 1840. He read much of 1 Corinthians 15, including verse 29, and announced that the Lord would permit Church members to be baptized in behalf of their friends and relatives who had departed this life. He told them “the plan of salvation was calculated to save all who were willing to obey the requirements of the law of God” (Journal History of the Church, 15 Aug. 1840).
Because all who have lived on the earth have not had the opportunity to be baptized by proper authority during life on earth, baptisms may be performed by proxy, meaning a living person may be baptized in behalf of a deceased person. Baptisms for the dead are performed by Church members in temples throughout the world. People have occasionally wondered if the mortal remains of the deceased are somehow disturbed in this process; they are not. The person acting as a proxy uses only the name of the deceased. To prevent duplication the Church keeps a record of the deceased persons who have been baptized. Some have misunderstood that when baptisms for the dead are performed the names of deceased persons are being added to the membership records of the Church. This is not the case.

Why do Mormons perform proxy baptisms in their temples?

Jesus Christ taught that baptism is essential to the salvation of all who have lived on earth (seeJohn3:5). Many people, however, have died without being baptized. Others were baptized without proper authority. Because God is merciful, He has prepared a way for all people to receive the blessings of baptism. By performing proxy baptisms in behalf of those who have died, Church members offer these blessings to deceased ancestors. These individuals in the next life can then choose to accept or decline what has been done in their behalf.

Why is authority to perform a baptism important?

Throughout time, God has given His servants, the prophets, the authority to act in His name. This authority is called the priesthood. Jesus Christ gave the priesthood to His original Twelve Apostles by ordination (see John 15:16), and they directed the work of His Church after Jesus ascended to heaven. But after the Apostles were killed, the priesthood gradually disappeared from the earth.
In 1829 Joseph Smith received the priesthood authority to organize Christ’s Church from Heavenly Messengers who had held this authority anciently including the prophet John the Baptist and apostles Peter, James, and John. In 1830 the same Church of Jesus Christ that existed centuries ago was organized and restored to the earth.
The priesthood has two divisions. The lesser priesthood is called the Aaronic Priesthood, named after Aaron in the Old Testament. It includes the authority to preach the gospel of repentance and to baptize. The greater priesthood is called the Melchizedek Priesthood, named after Melchizedek in the Old Testament. It includes the authority to preside over the Church and to perform all ordinances, including giving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

There are more personal answers available at many of which are personal experiences of individual people. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, We may say that We follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, We hope all things, We have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, We seek after these things."

This is the 13th article of faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We use this as a guide for our everyday lives. The only person who would tell us that something is not good and that is law is the President of the church and at this time his name is Thomas S Monson. We believe that all things should be sought out prayerfully and with the guidance of the Holy Ghost (also known as the Holy Spirit) We believe that things that encourage knowledge and learning are very important and that Stories of Good Triumphing over evil at all costs are very valuable. We have no problems with Sci-Fiction or Fantasy, We have no problems with books that have Magical elements, and we think that each person has the right to discover what is right for themselves. We teach that all should prayerfully search out the lord daily and that personal scripture study is very important to our spiritual wellbeing. We are encouraged to read our scriptures daily and that if we do that as well as seek the Lord in prayer we will find the guidance we need. We believe that things like Magic and other magical creatures are mythological, The religions that teach spells and magic are real are welcoming Satan in to their lives but that everything that is good is also twisted into evil by him. 

I personally have a rant and I have touched on it several times in the last few days. This happens and comes up every time a Harry Potter movie comes out. Harry Potter is not teaching your children Magic and Witchcraft. It is no more evil and demonic than Star Wars or any coming of age story that emphasizes that good conquers all. The story of Harry Potter shows Harry over coming all things that are evil through his diligence and moral values. He sticks to his values of Choosing the Right and not falling to evil when it is bombarding him from every angle. In today's society is not the means to overcome evil when you are surrounded by it at every turn a good value to teach your children. So many Christians close their minds and choose to judge when they refuse to look into it for themselves. Example my mom was unsure if Harry Potter was appropriate for my Baby Sister because she has delay issues and is scarred easily. So my mom got the books on tape and Listened to them first and she watches every movie first. So as a parent why would you not read something that your kids want to read before them. That is just common sense. More importantly why would you blindly burn a book you know nothing about?

I believe along with my Church that Families are the key to keeping faithful and pure in a changing society. We believe that the foundations for good moral choices are made in the home. If you just tell your kid no and never give a reason or you give a reason that is ludicrous and un-rational they will chose to defy you. If you take the time to seek out the truth for your self and share openly what you have learned with your kids they will follow what they are taught. It may take a while but they will always come back to the truths you helped them learn. 

So the summary today...Don't judge a book by it's cover. Whether it be a book a person or a religion. take the time to study out and prayerfully seek the lord in your study he will tell you the truth of all things. 

We Seek After These Things: Understanding the Young Women Values

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fantasy, Sci-Fiction and other genre books

Okay so this one fits in religion instead of on my book blog but I will be posting this as a back up on that site as well. A comment was made to my husband regarding the Harry Potter books, right on Facebook in response to taking a silly quiz...So here is the rant I want to share. MOST FANTASY and SCI-FICTION is written by Christians. You stand on your high horse and judge because you have not spent the time to learn or study for your self and you just blindly follow what you are told from a pulpit. I am taught to study and seek out in prayer the things I am taught. I am taught to seek after things of virtue and of good works. I am taught to recognize the Holy Ghost and to trust in the lord in all things. So if I am reading Harry Potter then maybe it is not demonic and evil. You have been told that by many and you are wrong. Books like Harry Potter teach children that Light and Purity will stand against all odds in the face of evil. They learn that by being virtuous and living up to their believes that they can stand against the tide of an evil world. What is demonic and un-Christlike in that? Well nothing really. You say well there is magic in the books and that is evil? well The magic is a story element nothing more. The books don't teach your kids magic they don't tell them to do magic it is just a story element.

So why the post...The following list is of Christian Authors, you would be surprised by some of them. The ones who write Sci-Fi/Fantasy are in Bold.

Now I know you saw a few authors you know and recognize...SO not only are they Christian, and they write things with some Christian is the shocker...are you ready...Every author above is LDS. yet that is write your favorite authors like Orson Scott Card and Stephanie Meyer are Mormon.

So next time you are against a book that you have never even researched keep in mind that not all books are evil just because they are fantasy or Sci-fiction and have magic or other aspects in it.


Friday, November 19, 2010

A fact...and what you can do

 Okay So this Blog is more a recommendation then anything else...

The fact is question...You know someone who is or will become a Mormon in the next 5 to 10 years.
Why do I say this? Well very simply The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the fasted Growing Church in the world.

So many churches have published Anti-Mormon propaganda and as soon as most pastors find out you are friends with or know a Mormon (LDS) they shove this material at you and provide a ton of websites that are the accurate of what they actually believe that you should share with them. I Hate to break it to any of the readers...but Most of this literature is completely WRONG...yet that is correct it is WRONG. So someone you trust is giving you information about someone you love and calling it fact. You are not encouraged to take with your friend or loved one you are just taught to believe what an outsider says and to tell your friends they are damned. Well that is my biggest rant, and frankly it makes my blood boil. If you love and trust this person enough call them a friend or if they are family you should go straight to them and talk to them instead of making up your mind about their choices because of what someone else has told you.

So why do I bring this up...well that should be obvious no one ever asks the Mormon what they believe they just take someone elses word for it. I have posted several posts about being Christian and the core of the Believes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is JESUS,,,,It is right there in the name.

So here is what I propose...don't take my word for it, don't take a pastor's word for it. These are recommended readings that are made with you in mind. They will not try to convince you to join the church they will just help you understand those you love and their believes. It will dispel the Myths and it will separate the fact from fiction...Most of these you can find at the Library and all of the Links are from if you want to purchase....but PLEASE READ THEM